Getting Started

asyncio is a Python stdlib eventloop. Most tutorials on using asyncio currently talk about the async nature of asyncio. How it can be used to work on multiple tasks in parallel. Pubmarine has a different focus. It assumes that you already have stared to write a program using asyncio and have discovered that asyncio gives you building blocks but doesn’t implement the higher level levels needed for an event-driven program. Pubmarine gives you one of those higher levels: an easy way to pass events from one task to another.

Example: Talk

Before the widespread availability of Google Hangouts, Facebook Messenger, Jabber, and AIM there was a command for two people logged into the same UNIX computer to talk to each other called talk. We’ll create a mini-version of that to illustrate using Pubmarine.

First of all, let’s take a look at what you should be able to do with the end result. Here’s a picture of two terminal windows side-by-side with the talk program running in each one:


As you can see, we want to have a little curses interface in which each user can type short, one-line messages and have them displayed on the other user’s terminal. Let’s take a look at how we achieve that.

Ye, Olde Imports

The first thing to take a look at in our script is the imports. They’re pretty small for this example program:

import asyncio
import curses
from functools import partial

from pubmarine import PubPen

We have asyncio, of course, so that we can multitask between our IO operations and waiting for user input. curses handles drawing onto the terminal. functools.partial() is a handy utility function that we’ll see in action in just a moment. And from pubmarine, we just need its workhorse, PubPen.

Most of the heavy lifting in this program will be done by asyncio and curses. pubmarine is a communication channel that will let those two major parts communicate with each other.

The Network Layer: An Asyncio Protocol

Let’s start with the portion that asyncio will be in charge of: connecting each running instance of our talk program with all the other ones on the box. In order to handle that, we’ll use a UNIXsocket. This will write a socket file onto the filesystem and any program which opens that file will be able to participate in the conversation. We could do this manually using he socket module from the Python standard library but asyncio provides us with a helper function that sets up the communication channel to be ready for asynchronous communications so we’ll use that instead:

PATH = '/var/tmp/talk.sock'

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
pubpen = PubPen(loop)
    # try Client first
    connection = loop.create_unix_connection(partial(TalkProtocol, pubpen), PATH)
except ConnectionRefusedError:
    # server
    connection = loop.create_unix_server(partial(TalkProtocol, pubpen), PATH)

In this short piece of code we call asyncio.get_event_loop() to create a vanilla loop that we’re then going to use for all of our program. You also see your first use of PubPen here although the only thing we do is initialize it with our event loop and then use it to initialize the TalkProtocol class. As we continue to explore the code, we’ll see that we hand this PubPen to every other class to make use of. Since it’s used to aid communication between parts of the code, having it available to all of your other objects makes a lot of sense. If you’re not a purist about global variables, you may want to make a single global PubPen instance instead of passing it around everywhere.

asyncio.AbstractEventLoop.create_unix_connection() is the workhorse in this piece of code. It’s a utility function that sets up a client connection via a UNIX socket file. You may notice that the two blocks inside the try: and the except: are nearly identical. The except: block just calls asyncio.AbstractEventLoop.create_unix_server() instead. This is because we want our talk program to act like a peer-to-peer program. Anyone can start the talk program first. Whoever does so will become the server. The second person to connect will become a client. (Starting additional programs would start to run into corner-cases with this strategy but solving those has nothing to do with pubmarine so we’ll leave solving those to some other demonstration ;-)

Both create_unix_connection() and create_unix_server() return a asyncio.Future which we have to run on the main loop. We do that via run_until_complete(). Although we don’t need them here, after the Future completes it returns two objects to us: a Transport and a asyncio.Protocol. The Transport encapsulates getting the bytes from the socket into python in a multitasking-friendly manner. The Protocol encapsulates interpreting those bytes and figuring out what to do with them later. We have to write our own Protocol because the talk service we are implementing isn’t a standard with any existing code for it.

The TalkProtocol class

The TalkProtocol isn’t too complicated:

class TalkProtocol(asyncio.Protocol):
    def __init__(self, pubpen):
        self.pubpen = pubpen
        self.pubpen.subscribe('outgoing', self.send_message)

    def send_message(self, message):

    def connection_made(self, transport):
        self.transport = transport

    def data_received(self, data):
        self.pubpen.publish('incoming', data.decode('utf-8', errors='replace'), "<you>")

    def error_received(self, exc):
        self.pubpen.publish('error', exc)

    def connection_lost(self, exc):
        self.pubpen.publish('conn_lost', exc)

In the class’s __init__() we see the first real use of the PubPen API. We use pubmarine.PubPen.subscribe() to have the TalkProtocol watch for outgoing events. When one occurs, it will call the send_message() callback. send_message will use the transport layer to send the message out to the other programs listening on the socket.

subscribe() does not care about where the outgoing event originated. This allows widely separated parts of your program to talk to each other. They just both need to have access to the same PubPen instance in order to communicate.

The other methods in the TalkProtocol are all methods that asyncio.Protocol gives us the option of implementing. Each one is a callback that asyncio sends data to when certain things happen:

  • connection_made() is called when a connection is established. Since that sends the Transport to us, we take the opportunity to save it for later use.
  • data_recieved() is called when data arrives on the connection. Here we use another PubPen method, publish() to publish the incoming event. You can see that we’re passing two parameters to the incoming event: a text version of the message and a string representing who is communicating. PubPen does not have strict checking of arguments when an event is registered. It is up to the publishers and subscribers to make sure that the events and callbacks have matching arguments.[*]_
  • error_received() and connection_lost() are called when those asyncio transport-level conditions occur. In our code we use pubmarine.PubPen.publish() to alert other code of the events and then, if the connection is lost, we stop the main loop.

Giving Feedback

The talk program uses curses to display an interface in the terminal for the user. All of the curses code is inside of the Display class.

Initializing the Display

The Display class is defined like this:

class Display:
    def __init__(self, pubpen):
        self.pubpen = pubpen

        self.pubpen.subscribe('incoming', self.show_message)
        self.pubpen.subscribe('typed', self.show_typing)
        self.pubpen.subscribe('error', self.show_error)
        self.pubpen.subscribe('info', self.show_error)
        self.pubpen.subscribe('conn_lost', self.show_error)

As you can see, it consists entirely of subscribing various callbacks inside of the display class to events that are published elsewhere. (Except for typed, they are all published by the TalkProtocol. We’ll see where typed comes from shortly.) Pubmarine’s agnosticity towards where the event was published is good for user interfaces. A user interface has to respond to events from many sources: generated by the user, from network events, from timers, from hardware changes, etc. Using pubmarine, the user interface doesn’t have to be strongly connected to those objects; instead it can receive notification that the objects have changed via the single shared PubPen object.

If you’ve ever programmed with curses before, you may be wondering where the setup of the screen and initial layout is. Usually it’s in the __init__ of a class but not this time. In the example code I make Display into a context manager. That way the screen can be put into raw mode for curses when the context manager is entered and restored to cooked mode when the context manager exits:

   def __enter__(self):
        self.stdscr = curses.initscr()


        max_y, max_x = self.stdscr.getmaxyx()

        self.error_buffer = self.stdscr.derwin(1, max_x, 0, 0)

        [... Set up the rest of the screen widgets here ...]

    def __exit__(self, *args):

        return False


if __name__ == '__main__':
    with Display(pubpen) as display:

User Interaction

The majority of the methods inside of Display are callbacks. They update the curses display in response to the events that they are subscribed to. The one callback that is interesting to us from a Pubmarine standpoint is Display.show_typing(). show_typing() is called whenever a character is typed. How is that achieved? To find that out, we have to trace a bit of code from the toplevel all the way back into this method.

At the toplevel, our event loop has two things that it runs over. One of those is the Transport which asyncio queues to be run by the event loop inside of its own code. We saw the initialization of those earlier. The other is the routine to get user input. Let’s look at that now:

task = loop.create_task(display.get_ch())

This code schedules a co-routine from the Display class, Display.get_ch() for execution by the main loop and then runs the main loop. get_ch() is a short method defined like this:

async def get_ch(self):
    while True:
        char = chr(await self.pubpen.loop.run_in_executor(None, self.stdscr.getch))
        self.pubpen.publish('typed', char)

This method is an asyncio co-routine which means that this thread of control can be suspended while it is waiting for I/O to allow other co-routines to be processed. Since both this task and the Transport task are ultimately waiting on a human typist it makes sense that each of them can let the program do other things while they are waiting for that slow input. The method is a short, infinite loop which runs the blocking function, curses.window.getch() via asyncio.AbstractEventLoop.run_in_executor(). run_in_executor() runs a blocking function in a thread (or subprocess depending on configuration), allowing other co-routines to process while it waits for the blocking function to return.

Once the user types a character and the event loop has a chance to execute the getch() function the method will publish the typed event via pubmarine.PubPen.publish(). This is the event that Display.show_typing() is subscribed to:

self.pubpen.subscribe('typed', self.show_typing)

show_typing() itself examines the character being sent to it. If it determines that hte user hit the [ENTER] key and that the only thing on the line was a . (period) then it will exit the event loop, causing the program to terminate. Otherwise it will publish the outgoing event with the line that the user has entered via pubmarine.PubPen.publish(), update the chat_log window with the user’s text, and then clear the user’s input window:

def show_typing(self, char):
    if char == '\n':
        if self.input_contents == '.':
        self.pubpen.publish('outgoing', self.input_contents)
        self.show_message(self.input_contents, '<myself>')

    self.input_contents += char

    [... Curses calls to update the input window ...]

What happens to the outgoing event? If you remember when we talked about the TalkProtocol` class, the method TalkProtocol.send_message() receives that event and then sends the message over the socket.

Complete Source

The source code for the complete program can be found in the examples directory of the source tree if you want to download and run it or looked at below if you just want to see it in its entirety:

#!/usr/bin/python3 -tt
# Copyright: 2017, Toshio Kuratomi
# License: MIT

import asyncio
import curses
from functools import partial

from pubmarine import PubPen

PATH = '/var/tmp/talk.sock'

class Display:
    def __init__(self, pubpen):
        self.pubpen = pubpen

        self.pubpen.subscribe('incoming', self.show_message)
        self.pubpen.subscribe('typed', self.show_typing)
        self.pubpen.subscribe('error', self.show_error)
        self.pubpen.subscribe('info', self.show_error)
        self.pubpen.subscribe('conn_lost', self.show_error)

    def __enter__(self):
        self.stdscr = curses.initscr()


        max_y, max_x = self.stdscr.getmaxyx()

        self.error_buffer = self.stdscr.derwin(1, max_x, 0, 0)

        self.separator1 = self.stdscr.derwin(1, max_x, 1, 0)
        sep_txt = b'-' * (max_x - 1)
        self.separator1.addstr(0, 0, sep_txt)

        self.chat_log = self.stdscr.derwin(max_y - 3, max_x, 2, 0)
        self.chat_max_y, self.chat_max_x = self.chat_log.getmaxyx()
        self.current_chat_line = 0

        self.separator2 = self.stdscr.derwin(1, max_x, max_y - 2, 0)
        sep_txt = b'=' * (max_x - 1)
        self.separator2.addstr(0, 0, sep_txt)

        self.input_buffer = self.stdscr.derwin(1, max_x, max_y - 1, 0)
        self.input_max_y, self.input_max_x = self.input_buffer.getmaxyx()
        self.input_current_x = 0
        self.input_contents = ''

        return self

    def __exit__(self, *args):

        return False

    async def get_ch(self):
        while True:
            char = chr(await self.pubpen.loop.run_in_executor(None, self.stdscr.getch))
            self.pubpen.publish('typed', char)

    def show_message(self, message, user):
        # Instead of scrolling, simply stop the program
        if self.current_chat_line >= self.chat_max_y:

        message = "%s %s" % (user, message)

        # Instead of line breaking, simply truncate the message
        if len(message) > self.chat_max_x:
            message = message[:self.chat_max_x]

        self.chat_log.addstr(self.current_chat_line, 0, message.encode('utf-8'))
        self.current_chat_line += 1

    def show_typing(self, char):
        if char == '\n':
            if self.input_contents == '.':
            self.pubpen.publish('outgoing', self.input_contents)
            self.show_message(self.input_contents, '<myself>')

        self.input_current_x += 1
        self.input_contents += char
        self.input_buffer.addstr(0, self.input_current_x - 1, char.encode('utf-8'))

    def clear_typing(self):
        self.input_current_x = 0
        self.input_contents = ''

    def show_error(self, exc):
        self.error_buffer.addstr(0, 0, str(exc).encode('utf-8'))

class TalkProtocol(asyncio.Protocol):
    def __init__(self, pubpen):
        self.pubpen = pubpen

        self.pubpen.subscribe('outgoing', self.send_message)

    def send_message(self, message):

    def connection_made(self, transport):
        self.transport = transport

    def data_received(self, data):
        self.pubpen.publish('incoming', data.decode('utf-8', errors='replace'), "<you>")

    def error_received(self, exc):
        self.pubpen.publish('error', exc)

    def connection_lost(self, exc):
        self.pubpen.publish('conn_lost', exc)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    pubpen = PubPen(loop)

    with Display(pubpen) as display:
            # try Client first
            connection = loop.create_unix_connection(partial(TalkProtocol, pubpen), PATH)
        except ConnectionRefusedError:
            # server
            connection = loop.create_unix_server(partial(TalkProtocol, pubpen), PATH)

        task = loop.create_task(display.get_ch())