API Reference

PubMarine is a simple PubSub framework for Python3’s asyncio.

Authors: Toshio Kuratomi <toshio@fedoraproject.org


class pubmarine.PubMarineError[source]

Base of all errors specific to PubMarine

class pubmarine.EventNotFoundError[source]

Raised when an event is not handled by this PubPen

PubPen Context Object

class pubmarine.PubPen(loop: asyncio.events.AbstractEventLoop, event_list: List[str] = None)[source]

A PubPen object coordinates subscription and publication.

Use PubPen.subscribe() to register callbacks to be invoked when an event is published.

Use PubPen.publish() to publish an event, invoking the callbacks.

Callbacks will be queued to be executed by the asyncio event loop that is passed into the PubPen when it is instantiated.


Most programs should create one PubPen instance and then share it between all of the objects that wish to communicate with each other.

emit(event: str, *args, **kwargs) → None[source]

Publish an event

Parameters:event – String name of an event to publish

Other args and keyword args are passed to the callback function.

Deprecated: Use publish() instead

publish(event: str, *args, **kwargs) → None[source]

Publish an event

Parameters:event – String name of an event to publish

Other args and keyword args are passed to the callback function.

subscribe(event: str, callback: Union[Callable[[...], Any], method]) → int[source]

Subscribe a callback to an event

Parameters:event – String name of an event to subscribe to
Callback:The function to call when the event is published. This can be any python callable.

Use functools.partial() to call the callback with any other arguments.


The callback is registered with the event each time this method is called. The callback is called each time it has been registered when the event is published. For example:

>>> import asyncio
>>> import pubmarine
>>> pubpen = pubmarine.PubPen(asyncio.get_event_loop)
>>> def message():
...     print('message called')
>>> pubpen.subscribe('test', message)
>>> pubpen.subscribe('test', message)
>>> pubpen.publish('test')
message called
message called

If the caller wants the callback to only be called once, it is the caller’s responsibility to only subscribe the callback once.

unsubscribe(sub_id: int) → None[source]

Unsubscribe from an event.

Parameters:sub_id – The subscription id returned from subscribe.