Source code for pubmarine

# This file is part of PubMarine.
# PubMarine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Foobar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with PubMarine.  If not, see <>.
# Copyright: 2017, Toshio Kuratomi
# License: LGPLv3+
PubMarine is a simple PubSub framework for Python3's asyncio.

Authors: Toshio Kuratomi <

import asyncio
import warnings
from collections import defaultdict
from functools import partial
import types
from typing import Any, Callable, DefaultDict as DefaultDict_t, Dict, Generator, List, Union
from weakref import WeakMethod, ref

__version__ = '0.4.3'
__version_info__ = ('0', '4', '3')

[docs]class PubMarineError(Exception): """ Base of all errors specific to PubMarine """ pass
[docs]class EventNotFoundError(PubMarineError): """ Raised when an event is not handled by this PubPen """ pass
[docs]class PubPen: """ A PubPen object coordinates subscription and publication. Use :meth:`PubPen.subscribe` to register callbacks to be invoked when an event is published. Use :meth:`PubPen.publish` to publish an event, invoking the callbacks. Callbacks will be queued to be executed by the :mod:`asyncio` event loop that is passed into the :class:`PubPen` when it is instantiated. .. note:: Most programs should create one PubPen instance and then share it between all of the objects that wish to communicate with each other. """ def __init__(self, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop, event_list: List[str] = None) -> None: """ :arg loop: Event loop (asyncio compatible) to use. :kwarg event_list: If given, event_list is a list of allowed event_names. If not given, any name can be subscribed to on the fly. Dynamic event_lists are convenient. Statically defined lists provide protection against typos. """ self.loop = loop self._next_id = self._id_generator() self._subscriptions = {} # type: Dict if event_list is not None: self._event_list = frozenset(event_list) else: self._event_list = frozenset() self._event_handlers = defaultdict(dict) # type: DefaultDict_t[str, Dict] # This has to be a method because the ids increment per-instance. We don't have to use self # because the generator itself maintains state. def _id_generator(self) -> Generator[int, None, None]: # pylint: disable=no-self-use """Generate a new unique event id on this :class:`PubPen` instance""" i = 0 while True: yield i i += 1
[docs] def subscribe(self, event: str, callback: Union[Callable[..., Any], types.MethodType]) -> int: """ Subscribe a callback to an event :arg event: String name of an event to subscribe to :callback: The function to call when the event is published. This can be any python callable. Use :func:`functools.partial` to call the callback with any other arguments. .. note:: The callback is registered with the event each time this method is called. The callback is called each time it has been registered when the event is published. For example:: >>> import asyncio >>> import pubmarine >>> pubpen = pubmarine.PubPen(asyncio.get_event_loop) >>> def message(): ... print('message called') >>> pubpen.subscribe('test', message) >>> pubpen.subscribe('test', message) >>> pubpen.publish('test') message called message called If the caller wants the callback to only be called once, it is the caller's responsibility to only subscribe the callback once. """ if self._event_list and event not in self._event_list: raise EventNotFoundError('{} is not a registered event' .format(event)) # Get an id for the subscription sub_id = next(self._next_id) self._subscriptions[sub_id] = event if isinstance(callback, types.MethodType): # Add a method self._event_handlers[event][sub_id] = WeakMethod(callback) else: # Add a function self._event_handlers[event][sub_id] = ref(callback) return sub_id
[docs] def unsubscribe(self, sub_id: int) -> None: """Unsubscribe from an event. :arg sub_id: The subscription id returned from subscribe. """ if sub_id in self._subscriptions: event = self._subscriptions[sub_id] else: # It's okay, we just want the subscription to be gone return for cur_sub_id in self._event_handlers[event]: if cur_sub_id == sub_id: del self._event_handlers[event][sub_id] break del self._subscriptions[sub_id]
[docs] def publish(self, event: str, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """ Publish an event :arg event: String name of an event to publish Other args and keyword args are passed to the callback function. """ if self._event_list and event not in self._event_list: raise EventNotFoundError('{} is not a registered event' .format(event)) removed_sub_ids = [] for sub_id, handler in self._event_handlers[event].items(): # Get the callback from the weakref func = handler() if func is None: # Callback was deleted. Cleanup the weakref as well removed_sub_ids.append(sub_id) continue func = partial(func, *args, **kwargs) self.loop.call_soon(func) # Cleanup any handlers that are no longer around for sub_id in removed_sub_ids: del self._event_handlers[event][sub_id] try: del self._subscriptions[sub_id] except KeyError: # It's okay. We just want this gone. pass
[docs] def emit(self, event: str, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """ Publish an event :arg event: String name of an event to publish Other args and keyword args are passed to the callback function. **Deprecated**: Use publish() instead """ warnings.warn('PubPen.emit() is deprecated. Use PubPen.publish()' ' instead', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) self.publish(event, *args, **kwargs)